Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Seeing RED on FaceBook

I don't know about you but I'm seeing red on FaceBook.

It's the marriage equality sign or anti equality signs.

Personally this one makes me giggle.

I don't know about you but I kinda wonder at them choosing red?
Red ribbons are for aids and I thought we wore red to support our troops on Fridays and now red with pink is marriage equality? Why change from the rainbow? Did all the pictures of where rainbows come from (unicorn poop) change their minds?

Do you really care? Are you staying up at night about this? I'm not.

In fact I'm not getting much out of it either way. I've got friends I love on both sides and I'm very much decided that I'm going to love them both.

How are we really supposed to respond as Christians?
I'm reminded of a time I was sitting in Sunday School and a very well meaning lovely individual was explaining that we needed to use the Laws, the ten commandments to lead others to Christ. That in order to save someone they needed to first understand that they were drowning. At the time I thought this was profound.

Now I've decided, no, this isn't right.

Lining up what I believe with what the Bible tells me I get,"Love one another". "For all have sinned."
In fact I can't find a single place that tells me I'm to tell people they are in trouble and need saving. In life I can also vouch for the fact that nobody needs it pointed out. We get that we're drowning.

Fellow believers are drowning too. They haven't quite figured out their armor.

So I'd like to share some tips.

As Christians we are called to LOVE. Others will know we are Christians by our LOVE. Not because we post on FB that we are believers. Not because we let you know that you are a sinner. LOVE.

When we behave in this manner it is because we were first filled with Christ's love and it spills from our lives. If your life isn't spilling over with Christ's love then stop what you are doing and figure this out NOW! Jesus loves you and He is not withholding it! He wants you to feel it! Live it! You were made for LOVE!

Now assuming you are filled with love then you are also focusing on Jesus. This makes the commandment to focus on what is good and lovely easy. If you are struggling with surrounding yourself with what is good and lovely then I challenge you again, that it means are not experiencing being filled with Jesus's love. Everything hinges on Him loving you first.

Now we are instructed to be wise and to wear armor. Protect yourself. Don't let the junk of today get in the way of Jesus's love. Don't let bickering and whining on FB affect you at your core. Your core is feeding on Jesus' love and doesn't have time to judge others.

Love is our mission.

So while we might be seeing red.

Don't act like it's a flag being waved at a bull.

Let it be a reflection of the heart.

A reflection of the blood shed to save us all.

This is a magnificent opportunity people. We are called to love one another. Please don't miss your chance to love.

Don't read a political statement here. I'm not siding one way or the other. I'm playing a completely different game. I'm living the commandment to love my neighbor as myself.


  1. Amen Ruth, true true words! Love one another, that us the greatest commandment. Nothing else.

  2. Ruth that's beautiful!!! Thanks for posting this! ;-)

  3. I've been meaning to say it for a thousand other reasons but all the fuss going around seemed like a good time as well. We get so caught up in needing to stand by what is right and true that we let our opinions hurt others. That's crap.
    Thanks for reading.
