Sunday, January 13, 2013

Ranting, Raving, and Growing.

Under the title of my blog is a little catch phrase, blah blah learning obedience to God. Well the nature of learning is growing. So in the spirit of things expect my blog to change a bit.

As my marriage progresses I'm not as able to let it all hang out there and give Mike a proper chance. This seems logical enough.
We are in marriage counseling now. Seen the Chaplain twice. He's hooking us up with professionals because he feel in over his head. Can't fault that.

I did rather like what he had to say. I'm guessing a lot of women would adore having another man tell their husbands to pay more attention to their wives. To study the little details that matter to her. To watch romantic movies together until the husband feels confident that he understand how his wife defines romance and can try on his own to romance his own wife.
Like a fairy tale, right?

So moving right along.

I've mentioned before about "fruit". Watching a life to see said fruit. I'm hear to report good things.

We've been praying a lot and he started it. Woo Hoo! I do so like it when Mike starts.

In fact yesterday was my first open house and Mike said, "hey, let's pray over this" and we did. We prayed for God's blessings. Now I wasn't expecting a single person to show......but a family did! Not only that but they called me later!! I'm showing them houses on Thursday. Bam! answered prayer!

yeah baby!

So we're growing. It's fantastic. It's horrible.

Did you expect that? I go to work we're learning exactly how much I do around the house. It's interesting to see what happens when I don't. I say interesting, I meant frightening. Oh, Mike is pitching in like never before but it's just not quite what I do.
Eye opening...
Which is cool and not.
I haven't had to say a thing but I have had to go to bed when I know that my house is trashed. Makes me twitchy.

Speaking of twitchy, I have a bone to pick.

You've heard of the song, His Grace is enough?
"Remember your people, Remember your promises, Oh God"
Ring a bell?
Doesn't anyone else HATE this song?
I can't stand it.
What are we thinking? Asking GOD if he remembers? Duh, we're the stupid ones.
Why in the world do we sing this?
Like sheep we all line up to worship and without thinking ask the supreme being of the universe if he remembers?
Seriously? Would you go up to President Obama and ask him if he remembered something? As a way to start a conversation on, your grace is enough?

Ugh. Worship songs are driving me bonkers.
Under my breathe I change the words. It's different every time. Whatever I'm in the mood for. Usually something still worshipful. Otherwise I just fall silent refusing to sing these stupid lyrics.
Like God forgets?! Whatever.

So far I've shared how I'm growing and I've ranted so let me rave a little.

Last week during the service our pastor mentioned a quote by C S Lewis.

"Indeed, if we consider the unblushing promises of reward and
the staggering nature of the rewards promised in the Gospels,
it would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak.
We are half-hearted creatures,
fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us,
like an ignorant child who wants to go on making
mud pies in a slum because he can not imagine
what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea.
We are far too easily pleased."

Since I use my iPhone as my bible and the church offers wifi, it was just all too easy to zip over to amazon and purchase the kindle version for $4. I love technology.

I'm floored by this book. I'm not even ten pages in. I had to stop often just during the introduction. Now I'm a fast reader. I comprehend at a quick rate. This is not a quick book. I find myself needing to just ponder. The depth and breath of knowledge offered here is incredible. Again, I'm not even ten pages in and I've been chewing on this book a week!

Going back to the quote though, I can see this vividly. I can apply it to my life simply.
"fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered."
Not that there is anything wrong with drinking, sex or ambition but that we have no concept.
That GOD is so much bigger than we can possibly imagine.

We're fooling ourselves to think that saving my marriage took much effort on HIS part. Or even perhaps that this wasn't allowed so that our growth could be made.

Because ultimately GOD's way are so magnificent that our brains don't even have the ability to break it down and understand any part. Knowing this, because GOD IS AMAZING, he gave us the Holy Spirit to translate. Our understanding isn't necessary for HIS will, His plans.

So why in the world do we worship with such tiny stupid songs?

Ok. I've ranted, raved and grown as a human being.
