Sunday, November 18, 2012

Christian's Gone Wild.

My pastor, trying to make Corinthians relateable said that it could be described as, "Christian's Gone Wild". I was really trying to listen but had to take a moment to picture this in all it's glory.
I giggled.

I really do go to the right church. All that's happened to me in the last few months has made me truly understand, "hunger and thirst after His righteousness". I'm waking up each morning like a love sick teen. I've cracked open my daily bible study before I've had my coffee. Now that's love.

Each week I'm eager to hear God's word from the pulpit. More eager than for a new release - in theater's now. Again, this is quite a change for me. Don't get me wrong I've enjoyed church a great deal as an adult but now I've got to have it! I need Jesus like a fix and I'm not going to rehab....(hummed a bit of Amy Winehouse thinking about this...)

Exciting changes are taking place. What surprises me the most are the changes in me. Not just because I'm ignoring the scale either. I've had to answer some huge questions that establish who I am and what I believe.

I've said for years that forgiveness is for you not them. Recently I've had to put this into practice. I've learned that forgiveness is so much more. It's not just turning the other cheek but taking the blow. Absorbing it. Accepting the cost as worth the price. Jesus did this for us. He took on our sins. He paid. I'm walking this now. It's interesting.

I've learned that I'm not capable of this kind of forgiveness but that Christ through me is. Interestingly the moment of whether or not to forgive had me thinking, "If our roles were reversed and I'd hurt someone I love, how would I want to be treated?" I would want to be worth the price to them. Regardless of our past, betting on our future, I believe Mike is worth the price. I honestly thought that an affair was a deal killer. I've learned forgiveness. I feel like I should get to level up for this. Gold stars? Power points?

Secondly I've learned that God tells me who I am. Not my job, not my car (a sweet ride for sure), not my friends, not my status as a wife and mother. God has something in His heart for me. An amazing plan.

Third, I'm learning about being broken. The analogy of a pot being shattered so that God can start over and rework it come to mind. I'm not broken in a bad way. This event was the break that put God back into sharp focus. I'm not ready to thank God that my husband had an affair but crazy enough I can already see how I'm a better person in just a few short months. I'm not tooting my own horn here, I'm tooting God's. He's worked me over and the results are looking fantastic.

So back to Corinthian's Gone Wild.
Still picturing this in my head, while giggling.

1 Corinthians 1:4-6
 Every time I think of you - and I think of you  often! -
I thank God for your lives of free and open access to God, given by Jesus.
There's no end to what has happened in you - it's beyond speech, beyond knowledge.
The evidence of Christ has been clearly verified in your lives.
7-9 Just think - you don't need a thing, you've got it all!
 All God's gifts are right in front of you as you wait expectantly
 for our Master Jesus to arrive on the scene for the Finale.
And not only that, but God himself is right alongside to keep you stead
 and on track until things are all wrapped up by Jesus.
 God who got you started in this spiritual adventure,
shares with us the life of His Son and our Master Jesus.
He will never give up on you.
Never forget that.

I love this. I love knowing that I have all I need. That God's right alongside me to keep me steady. Way better than having Superman or Hulk. I've got God. Sweet, right?

Thing is, this passage was written for those who are sanctified. Which is a fancy way of saying, made Holy, Set apart by God. If you've accepted Christ as your Savior and you're redeemed....then that means you.

This interests me. Sanctified also means removed from sin. Like a yolk separated from the white. I've had some interesting thoughts on this.
Would you agree that to be forgiven by Christ means you are redeemed or saved?
Would you agree that to be redeemed is to be sanctified?

Then why are Christians, who are set apart, fighting God's awesome plans for them. What are Christians thinking? Not trusting God. Recklessly developing themselves without God's input. Then going so far as to say, "it's just the way they are made?"

Are you or aren't you Redeemed? Are you or aren't you Saved?

The series is called, "Let it be said of us."
Our Pastor was gently telling us that Christians who are redeemed and set apart don't blend in. Christians are supposed to STAND OUT. That our first obstacle is to be different.

I've been different for many years so I didn't see this as an issue. I'm learning that being a Christian is alot like standing out like a sore thumb less like a fashion faux paux.
Contrary to traditional advice when I discovered my husband's affair I didn't keep this information to myself. It quickly spread like wildfire. You all know. Not a fashion faux paux.

Traditional advice says to protect each other by holding your tongue about family secrets.
I'm discovering that God's way in my case was different. He wanted my dirty laundry to be aired.
His way seems crazy mysterious but I've got to tell you there has been a ton of perks. Yes, perks of telling the world my marriage is in trouble.

Gobs of people praying for my marriage and family.
Accountability for me and for my husband. You try misbehaving when you are telling people you are a Christian trying to be obedient to God.
Love. Lots of love. People reaching out to me and loving on me. Many of them did this southern style...with food. I wouldn't have been hugged or prayed for nearly as much if I hadn't said anything.

I still haven't figured out why the pastor called those Corinthian's Christians Gone Wild. If I'd been able to listen after that I'm sure he said why. However, I want it to be said of me, that I'm obedient, I love Jesus like he's an addiction I can't get enough of and that if you've ever asked who STOOD OUT as a Christian to you - you think of me. I'm Redeemed.

And as a bonus update on my saga....Mike had shoulder surgery. He's in a sling for a total of six weeks. Which means he can't drive or tie his own shoes. He's using this opportunity to show me and tell me he loves me. He's basically underfoot 24/7 and it's a good thing. I like being adored, appreciated, and helped. It doesn't hurt that trust doesn't have to be an issue...the poor man can't tie his own shoes...he is completely at my mercy....bwahahaha....I'm still feeding him.