Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Complaining but seeking God's Will.

So I've got company visiting and it's got me thinking all kinds of interesting things.

After all I love my father-in-law and I'm ready to kick him to the curb too.

This morning before my cup of coffee he mentioned that he's glad Mike and I have worked out "our little misunderstanding".

It was best that he was on the other side of the room at the time.

Please don't refer to the shattering of my heart, an adulterous affair, and the destruction of my life as I knew it as - a little misunderstanding.

I really don't think I'm being too sensitive about it.

I do wonder though. My feelings are getting trampled on left and right.

Last night was a ladies fellowship / bible study and it was brutal. I'm not entirely sure how it happens but I was asked how I had time to email, facebook, twitter, etc.

I adore my phone and started with my joke that I'd happily sign up to be an iperson.

Which lead an entire room of ladies to start lecturing me on "garbage in, garbage out".

I just sat there.
 I'm not entirely sure how to respond.
After all they have just jumped to quite a few conclusions that they have no idea of.

They don't know a thing about me.
They just have the information that I love my iphone.

A part of me wanted to defend myself and mention that I have a couple of Bible apps and love having God's word as a constant companion. I wanted to cry out that I watch Downton Abbey not E news.
However, I also realized that they didn't care.

They just needed to express their understanding of good Christian behaviour and I got to be their scapegoat.

I'm not thrilled with this development.
 I wanted to be able to complete my thoughts and share with them that having technology has freed me to have more time. Made me more effect at home and added a layer of peace. I wanted to share how God is working in my life but I keep getting cut off when I start with the problems God's saved me from.

It is the desire of my heart to share the redemption available in Jesus but I've spent more time smiling and nodding than ever before. Literally not allowed to speak.

I'm confident that God has a plan but I'm equally sure I don't know what it is.

What I do know is,

Romans 14:1
"Welcome with open arms fellow believers who don't see things the way you do. And don't jump all over them every time they do or say something you don't agree with - even when it seems that they are strong on opinions but weak in the faith department. Remember, they have their own history to deal with. Treat them gently."

skipping down

to verse 12

"So tend to your knitting. You've got your hands full taking care of your own life before God."

Ain't that the truth!

I'm going to work on listening more with my heart and less with my ears.

I'm going to pull out my yarn. Overall I think it's a good plan.

So that solves how I'm to react to the ladies at church but still leaves me pondering the passive aggressiveness of the old man.

I certainly need to listen with my heart here as well but to some degree I need to figure out how to speak out against the thoughtless disrespect he constantly serves up. I'm not entirely sure he realizes just how passive aggressive he is. Then again, he could be doing it on purpose to liven up his visit.
It wasn't as noticable when he didn't have to talk to me because I was visiting with Gayle.
I know we all miss her.

How have you dealt with passive aggressive family members who disrespect you?
How does one identify if it's on purpose or just a horrible lack of manners?

And I realize I've posted this on my blog but I mean no disrepect to anyone.
My father-in-law doesn't read my blog and you're not going to stir things up by telling him I have no idea how to get on with him?
Cause that would just be mean.