Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Judging others and blogging about it.

I met new people this last weekend and they were fabulous. They were family of good friends so it was off to a great start even before I learned their names.

As the evening progressed Amy mentioned something about....don't judge her because.....whatever. It's ironic that I hear this more and more. Maybe I'm just listening for it or maybe people are getting more sensitive to it. Either way I'm going to find out because this time I'm not protecting the innocent, I'm naming names.

They're bound to hunt me down if I get this wrong.

So when my very gracious new friend at church invited me to dinner at her house she also made a comment about not judging her. Being the good sport that I am, I reminded Dawn that I'm a realtor. I have a clipboard and planned on assessing her house while I was there. We joked and I mentioned that I would deduct ten points for paint chips...... I believe the response was that I would be terribly busy in that case.

So when my new friend Amy mentioned that she didn't want to be judged, I of course mentioned my clipboard and grading system. In her case, I also mentioned that I blog. I was drinking but in my mind it was hilarious. Promise.

I managed to slyly mention that I would be spreading their lives all over the blog-o-sphere for the rest of their visit.

At one point it looked like I was going to be an action blogger as the ever lovely Laurel almost demonstrated how to topple down some deck stairs backwards out of a patio chair. I offered to film it, for my blog of course. We wouldn't want to be deprived of such a feat after all. We all assured Laurel that we'd stop laughing long enough to make sure she was okay.

Really my weekend was better than most reality shows.

Speaking of reality shows...oh man....has everyone lost their senses? Are we all running amok?

I joke about blogging but I think I am hearing, "Please don't judge me" more and more. I've decided that reality shows are partially to blame. We've become a generation of individuals who sit on our couches like a jury sits in their chairs. Judging those on tv who have traded their dignity for fame. We, on our fat butts, doing nothing to contribute to anything other than obesity, come out judging ourselves to be superior.

Interesting. I of course am the most superior because I canceled my cable and only watch tv through the internet. Think Netflix and Hulu. (I hope you're catching the irony here. Sarcasm is so hard to write) I'm pretty sure I jump at the chance to tell people how superior I believe myself to be for my super righteous behavior of not watching reality TV with the masses. (Oh brother, I'm terrible)

So I'm hearing, "Please don't judge me" more and more but I finally realized that I'm far more judgemental than I realized. I'm quite blown away by it.

Stupid things. Comparing my car to others....I told Kerri that my Honda Pilot is better than her Honda Pilot because my red is prettier and my leather interior is gray not beige. Secretly she thinks hers is superior. Richard wasn't allowed to vote.

I've started walking everyday in my neighborhood. Judging everyones lawns. Who knew I had a rating system? I didn't realize it until I heard someone else commenting on the best lawn in their neighborhood. I just barely caught myself one upping their story. Now that I'm blogging, you should know that my neighbor works on his yard everyday and has topiaries. Yup. Spiral bushes.

So...my friends....how do you feel knowing that I'm judging you? Robin? Kerri? My new friends, Amy? Dawn? April?

Royally sucks. Probably hated seeing your names. I know I would....except that for the moment I have all the power and my name is in the title. I'm tempted to throw in more names just to see....Marjorie? Sheri? I've totally compared our pant sizes...didn't mean to but did.

It's like a disease. When did we (women) start comparing ourselves to everyone else and then putting us in order of whatever it is we're judging? I'm mildly terrified at myself.

Interestingly I didn't realize I was so judgemental. I thought because I don't care where you're pierced or tattooed I was cool.

I figured that I wasn't judging people because I don't tell people they're horrible parents when I watch them ruin their children in Walmart. After all just because they don't parent like me doesn't make them bad (it totally does...I'm an amazing parent).

Make me stop....

Now would be a good time for me to get to the preachy portion of my blog and add scripture but I'm not going to. You've all heard it. I don't need to quote it at you. In fact I'm realizing I need to figure out how to change my evaluation habits. I really don't want to be judgemental.

I want to enjoy others for just being who they are. I want to let go of the burden of trying to be superior (it's my cross....)(stop laughing)(seriously....I'm fabulous).

So, Amy - you're awesome. I want to lose weight and look as good in jeans as you did this weekend. I'd prefer my butt though....

Dawn, your house is gorgeous and you're an amazing cook. I'd eat at your house anytime. I promise to never count the chips in your paint.

Robin, you are an amazing parent and I think you are doing it right. Your kids don't annoy me at all. I do however burn with jealousy over all your fabulous candles and froufrou hand lotions. Just to prove you're not better than me I too have cocoa butter hand lotion at my sink. So there.

Marjorie, I miss you. We should go jean shopping sometime. Although maybe not....I see on FB that you've been eating better and exercising.......I might not be strong enough to not burn with jealousy. After all, you're gorgeous.

Kerri....My Honda is still better. You do have fabulous reading habits though. Can we stay friends? Of course it's a rocky friendship as you come with Richard. Your cross to bear....

Honestly though. I thought I was doing so well. I'm going to have to do something about this.

Don't worry, I'm not going to become Catholic. I'd have to spent far too much time in confession. Laundry still has to happen. Eventually. At least I'm better than those Amish kids on the reality show....