Thursday, September 6, 2012

Horrible Rotten Terrible No Good Bad Days

So you've had a bad day. It happens to the best of us.

Recently I've been hearing about some super rotten bad days. Days, weeks, months where nothing goes right. Seriously bad days.

My hairstylist has lost tons of clients due to layoffs and what nots. Her mother is in the hospital and so is her grandmother. She's divorced and having issues on that front. The entire salon chips in at that point. People dying, car accidents, cancer, and my personal favorite, bad hair the salon. It's gotten so bad they started joking they needed a cleansing.

"We should get, like, one of those people in here"

"What like a séance?"

"No not like on Charmed but like..." "Oh crap it's on the tip of my tongue"

"A priest?"

"You know the movie with the girl whose head spins and she vomits?"

"Yeah, we need an eggorsism"

"I think you mean exorcism. Ex like in exercise."

"I really do need to get to the gym. Do you think I might just need to spend more time in the gym?"

Be sure to hear all this in your head with a Jersey accent. It's awesome.

Stop laughing I was talking about bad days. This is sad stuff.

I have another friend, who hopefully won't feel terribly outed when she recognizes herself, who is in the military and going through yet another move. Everything that can go wrong is going wrong. I would tell all but with her current luck it would give gremlins ideas to do even more crap to her.

I could go on and on about bad days. I can have one just because I got on the scale and didn't like what it said. Or for that matter bad hair days are miserable.

I could preach to you all and share many many verses about how God loves us and wants good things for us. (Thank you Joel O) I'm not going to bother. Truly bad days having you thinking atheist might be on to something.

I was watching one of my favorite silly sci fi shows. A dreadful addiction that keeps me sane. After all I'm not trapped on a spaceship trying to find my way home while running out of oxygen. On one corny episode they discovered a race of people that claimed where their descendants. Don't think about this too hard. Basically they'd accidentally been split in two and their counterparts ended up stranded on an alien planet, blah blah. The cool part was that their descendants quoted them like they were something special.

I got to wondering what would people say if they were quoting me? What gem would people pick up on? I have a super cool friend who says, "For the Love" all the freaking time. It's endearing. I'm not known for being super patient or super nice. Blunt I believe is a favorite word used to describe me.


While I'm mulling over all these thoughts we as a family had an opportunity to get out and meet people. I find that while it's only been just over a year since Tyler was diagnosed with a brain tumor I don't want to tell everybody. Makes people weird. "Oh, honey, you're doing so well" "Oh you must be so strong." Yeah, yeah, I'm fabulous but I don't really care that it took a brain tumor for everyone to see it.

Ah ha! My quote.

"Life events shape me but I decide if they define me." Ruth Zeman

Sometimes life sucks and not a little but a lot. That doesn't mean my life sucks. That doesn't mean I want to look all puckered up like I suck lemons.

I have decided to describe Tyler to people not as a kid who had a brain tumor but a loveable brat who can talk your ears off. A kid who can tell a whopper so good you'll think it was the honest truth. Now if I can just get him to write them down he'll be a famous novelist in no time.

I'm still working on how I want to define myself. Mostly because I occasionally believe the lie, "just a housewife". I'm so much more than someone who cleans and cooks. I also run with scissors and laugh at naughty jokes.

So perhaps the next time you have a miserable rotten no good bad day, you'll remember to quote me. "Life events shape me but I decide if they define me."
