Sunday, September 9, 2012

Irony revealing Iron

It's ironic really. On Thursday I posted that I was learning over and over again the power of choice. That when life hands you lemons you can make lemonade or margaritas! Little did I understand that this was God preparing me.
God does that.
Friday started off great. Mike had the day off so we played at the Mall. Had an amazing lunch where the kids raved about the food. Went to the Ben Franklin Institute and saw the Dead Sea Scrolls. Watched a really cool documentary about Trains and the Rocky Mountains.
That evening Mike told me he wanted a Divorce. He's having an affair. He needs a clean break and a fresh start.
The first thing I did was get in the car and saught some privacy to grieve. Then I started calling my friends. I didn't realize it at the time but what I was doing was mobilizing the troops. I called for prayer. Lots and lots of prayer. I cried. Then I cried some more. I'm sure I'll keep that up for a while. Its hard work grieving.
Saturday morning I told the kids. We all cried.
I got on FB and the first thing I saw was a picture posted by my friend April. TEN THINGS GOD WANTS YOU TO REMEMBER.( I immediately shared.)
I will give you rest.
I will strengthen you.
I will answer you.
I believe in you.
I will bless you.
I am for you.
I will not fail you.
I will provide for you.
I will be with you.
I love you.

My day continued in a similar vien. I cried. God provided. I called for more people to pray.
As I went to bed last night I felt loved. I knew I would find rest.
This is amazing to me.

I woke up this morning feeling like I been grieving for weeks. It's just Sunday. Each time I woke up in the night I was reminded of a verse. I briefly thought about writing them all done immediately but sleep won out. I'll write them now.
James1. "Consider it pure joy when you face trials".
Philipians 13:1-" I can do all things through Christ who strenghtens me"
? "I am the vine, remain in me...and grow".(flourish)
Galations," Prepare for battle with the armor of God".
"Think on these things....but the greatest of these is love"
I realized that the trials I'm facing are actually answered prayers. Go figure. I've been praying for God to fill me with his love. To shower me with HIS blessings. To guide my life. To prune me to HIS likeness. (I shoulda thought about that one?)
This is quite a pruning. Not what I had in mind but then it never is. I do know that GOD'S plans are greater than mine.
I know that once an item has been pruned it doesn't grow on the plant anymore.

I'm contacting JAG on Monday and moving forward with divorce. Mike is completely closed to trying and I'm not sure but that it's a good thing that this is so final.

When I called on everyone to pray they did and its been aweseome. Dont' stop! I need it.
Today I'm going to teach my kids about the armor of God. We are going to don Hope Faith and Love. I believe that whatever you focus on grows so we are going to focus on God's Love.
Please remind me of this everytime more focus is off.
I need you're help here.
We've just had a drastic pruning but like my basil we will thrive.
Ironically I just dug up, split and pruned a huge basil plant during the move. I was able to use it as an analogy with the kids. Tyler mentioned that the new growth even tastes better.
God has provided. He will continue to provide.

I'm getting a divorce. Please Pray.