Friday, January 18, 2013

Perhaps Obama is the answer.

I must confess to getting all frustrated and mulish over the news.
One friend posted a link on FB to a news interview that had me completely depressed over the state of things.

Banning guns hasn't worked to others but we're doing it anyway.

The CDC will be given $10 million to study violence and give SSRI's to help those in mental distress.

However, SSRI's have been shown to dramatically increase violence in certain individuals. (in other news, SSRI's are being called the reason we have more suicide deaths than war deaths in the military.)

Also, to "aid" us all, we are going to start insisting that school children get the Flu vaccine. Which as of today has "modest" results and has proven to stunt your body's ability to deflect future flu attacks.

I'd link all these facts but it would just add to the depressing pile of garbage we're forced to see everyday.

The point isn't to spin us all up.

Ah but that is the point. I'm faced with quite a few facts that focus our attention to this.

Have you ever thought that perhaps Satan has a plan just as God has a plan?

Perhaps, getting us all spun up is exactly the plan. As Christians we are taking sides and expressing our opinions left and right. We are getting angry. We are using verses to justify our claims.

Such as the lazy people on welfare are useless,
Proverbs 22:13 MSG
"The loafer says, "There's a lion on the loose! If I go out I'll be eaten alive!"

Our President must be horrible because look at all the unemployment!
Proverbs 28:12 MSG
"When good people are promoted, everything is great, but when the bad are in charge, watch out!"

I would like to offer another opinion.
Might I suggest that this is not a new enemy?
 That in fact this is an ancient enemy?
 The same enemy from the start?
I know that many of us have used examples of Hitler to prove Obama is wrong but perhaps we need to take a better look at history. We need to remind ourselves that WWII wasn't the first World War. This isn't a temporary nonsense pouring from the press but an ongoing battle.

Perhaps, favorable circumstances will never exist.

As I comb through what I know of history I can think of lots of times filled with unrest. Even during the Regan Administration.

So where does that leave us?

Are we supposed to just roll over? Never. Does this mean we're supposed to pick up our poster on a stick and march on the white house? I doubt it.

As I give my heavy heart over to Christ I'm reminded of many verses that ironically (but not coincidentiely) I've been memorizing this week.

Matthew 6:34 NIV
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own
Matthew 6:34 MSG
"Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes."

This idea is repeated many times throughout scripture. In the Lord's prayer we are to pray for the day, not the year. We are to focus on today, not what could be happening in the future. Why?

Over and over again we are told to stop worrying and give our entire attention to God. So it makes sense really that Satan would be up to no good trying to keep our attention focused on shenanigans. On gun control. On terrible terrible acts of babies dying, On ridiculous cultural nonsense. It's very effective.

It's working.

And yet.....aren't we as Christian's praying for our country?
Aren't we just sure the country is going to Hell in a hand basket?

Oh my, have we believed a lie?


Perhaps then we need to be, (Proverbs 3:5-6 ) Trusting the Lord with all our attention and focus, realizing that we are completely clueless to what's going on. Knowing that with our focus on Him our direction in this life will be clear.
How different would it be then if we decided to act like God's in charge? How would it look if our focus was on dedicating every daily act to God? Ignoring the media and focusing, seeking Him first. Everyday.

Could we be bringing a cure for cancer to light? Could new works of art as acts of worship be created?

I'm going to humbly dedicate my act of blogging and laundry to God.
 I'm going to let go of my worry for this nation and thank God for putting a president in office that has me turning my focus to Him.
 I'm grateful that I'm putting my soul and trust in God. Not money, not jobs, not focusing on today's shenanigans but living my live for Him. Even if all I do productively today is my workout.

I'm banking my everything that God's got this.
I'm going to live today to prove it.