Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Big D...

There are times I can feel the magic and wonder of the world around me. I'm completely in love with Christmas time so I dwell on the magic of Christmas a great deal.

I love watching all the Harry Potter movies at this time of year. I start before Halloween and by Christmas I've watched them. They are so full of mystery and magic.

Over Thanksgiving I was given a wonderful book that was so exactly what I needed to hear it was down right magical. Creepy even.

Has that ever happened to you? You cry out to God and then get a little creeped out when He answers?

As you can imagine I've been doing alot of crying out. It's the holiday' nothing is going right. We're getting sick. Tyler's proving that while completely wonderful he's going to drive me further into insanity. I'm crying out, "Lord, What in the World am I supposed to be doing with Tyler?"
"God, you fix this, I'm going to sit back and try my best to do nothing but watch."
"God, I'm trusting in what is that supposed to look like?"

"God, you're not just having me hang around my marriage waiting like a sucker are you? You do have plans to heal us, yes? This isn't going to be another learning moment is it? Cause while I trust that I can do all things.....I DON'T WANNA."

Then, BAM, God answers.

I was mumbling those things to myself in the middle of the night last night. I'm sleeping great for the most part but it's that time of the month. You know, when you panic and have to make sure your sheets are still clean in the middle of the night? Oh, you're not crazy? Well, I do this once a month at least.

Then this morning I open my app and ....drum roll....God answered my wondering. Like magic.

Matthew 19:10-12
Jesus' disciples objected, "If those are the terms of marrriage, we're stuck.
Why get married?"
But Jesus said, "Not everyone is mature enough to live a married life.
 It requires a certain aptitude and grace. Marriage isn't for everyone. Some, from birth seemingly , never give marriage a thought.
 Others never get asked - or accepted.
 And some decided not to get married for kingdom reasons.
 But if you're capable of growing into the largeness of marriage, do it."

I love it. The first thing that stood out to me was - JESUS' DISCIPLES OBJECTED. Holy Crap. Yes, the DISCIPLES!!! Guys that I thought were holy, awesome, blah blah....would probably have been video gaming couch potatoes in their free time if they lived now. Go figure. The Disciples objected to not being able to divorce. Huh....

Then, "it requires a certain aptitude and grace". Alright my married friends, pat yourselves on the back. You my fine friends have apptitude and grace. Lovely. Means I have it too. Mike is going to be delighted that he has grace, he's always joking that he can barely even walk straight.

I'm encouraged. Just like that. God answered me.
I read all of Matthew 19 and in verse 6 I read, "His art". Yup, even my marriage is considered God's art. Cool.
In verse 8 I read another part of my answer, "Divorce is a concession to your hard heartedness but is not apart of God's original plan." Being frustrated up to my eyeballs with Tyler's hard headedness, I find I don't want to be labeled hard hearted. I'm going to still be being a living breathing work of art.

So, I thinking I also got answered on what does trusting look like. Today, it looks like me reading my Biblestudy. Accepting what I read to be true and delighting in the fact that God thinks I have an appittude, that I'm graceful, His work of art, and I'm capable of the largeness of Marriage.

Dare I say, downright magical? I get goosebumps just thinking of how perfectly He answered all my mutterings in the night.


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