Monday, November 19, 2012

Beware...Target is dangerous.

Yesterday at Target I saw a red scarf.
 It was like hearing a siren's song. I was drawn to it.
Long, with a sheen that just begged to be touched. I couldn't help myself, I walked right over and touched it.
 Looking around I realized it was out of place so I started up the isles looking for where it was supposed to be.
Turning the corner I saw them. A rainbow of gorgeous scarves all silky soft and singing out their siren's song.
 I didn't dare walk towards them.
I turned and muttered to myself, I thought quietly but apparently not, "Just get one, you don't need five scarves, you only have one neck."
At the end of the isle next to my kids was a nice lady trying on sunglasses. She glanced up at my muttering, raised an eyebrow and said, "Come on Momma, you gotta take care of yourself."

I smiled and said something stupid and disjointed about maybe coming back later and getting them as stocking stuffers. Or maybe I was saying that I was going to let the kids get them for me?

At that moment Mike came up behind me and mentioned I was slurring like a drunk again. Ugh.

In my defense I try to take care of myself. After eight or so years of making it my new year's goal I'm proud to announce that once or twice now I've left the house in "clean clothes without holes or stains".  I've started to think I stain them in the washing machine but that's neither here nor there.

I've managed to remember to wear make-up most days and I brush my teeth after my morning coffee and before bed. I've figured out how to get a shower in everyday should I so choose. This has not always been an option.

I feel rather pulled together. Sorta.

In July (a month that feels infamous now...) I got word from my Dr. that I was no longer testing as a diabetic. That while my morning numbers were high, overall my AIC for the last two years has been completely non-diabetic. As of right now I've been without meds since May. Apparently not eating ice cream, cookies, chips, and candy plus regular walking are all I need to be... not diabetic.

So what did I turn to for comfort in my hour of need? An extra walk? nope. More potato soup, with bacon sprinkles. I haven't gained weight but I'm feeling convicted about too many white starches. White starches tend to taste best with bacon or butter.....sometimes both. I truly know better but this has led to poor sleeping habits, extra trips to the bathroom and my current favorite, slurred speech.


Momma needs to take care of herself. Figures I'd be faced with this during October, November, and December. Ironically I don't like most Halloween candy but skittles and starburst are my weakness. I kinda passionately hate turkey, dressing, stuffing, cranberries, gravy..... I mean has anyone else seen that the consistancy of gravy is like a runny nose? I know I have problems. Since I'm a huge fan of green beans, onions, carrots and potato, well and pie, I like to think no one has noticed I hate Thanksgiving food. But December......just shoot me. I love it all.

Chocolate covered cherries, yeah baby. I love the cheap ones at Walmart and the liquor soaked ones....drool....and the Godiva ones.... I love candy canes, hot chocolate, all the fancy little show off desserts people labor over. I think my pants just got snug thinking about it.

So I decided that instead of my twice a month massages I should use that money for a personal trainer. Ten minutes later I realized that a better idea would be to act God what to do and then follow that advice.

I wasn't feeling convicted to give up my massages. I was feeling convicted to find a massage therapist that doesn't leave brusies.

I just kinda feel an overwhelming need to go for a walk.  Then at church the pastor related Christians's to runners THREE times. So I'm starting couch to 5k....again.  This time I'm getting the kids to join me. They could stand to get more exercise.

I feel very positive about this. Unlike trying to convince myself to do one of my 30 or so exercise videos, that I love, I'll be exercising my children. They need increased stamina and are looking pale even for them.

Why is it so easy to take care of my kids but so damn hard to give myself the same attention?'s bossy message from me to you - get off your butt! Take care of yourself this holiday season! You know what needs to be done.

We'll compare notes in January. I look forward to it.

1 comment:

  1. I just started ** again** keeping track of what I eat on the "Lose It" app. Not to lose weight necessarily, but just to be healthy. I can't run anymore because of arthritis, but I can sure get up and do a video or at least wii hula-hoop, or walk around the soccer field while we're waiting to pick Steve up. Timely! Love you!
