Sunday, September 16, 2012

I'm a giant freaking ninny.

Turn from sin.
Flee from sin.
Sure, duh.

As I've read this in the past I thought turning from sin was more of a...turn off the TV kinda thing. I've seen fleeing from evil like a silly cartoon where you're chased by a big dog.
In every situation I thought I wasn't in sin but just looking at the possibility of sinning and walking away.
Turning off the tv can be tough but it isn't painful. Not walking into a dark alley, creepy bar, seems like a good idea.

I'm learning something new here. This time I'm being asked to flee from sin. Not as an act of running away because I'm scared but as a physical distance from sin. This time I wasn't on the outside looking in but rather in too deep and totally invested.

This time it is painful. Like being asked to chop off your own arm painful. However, like that movie (that I refuse to watch) about the hiker that does indeed chop off his own arm to live, I too must do this to live. When that movie came out (still never gonna watch it) I wondered if I would have the strength of mind, character, etc to do whatever it takes to live. I guess I do. Or rather, I'm a giant freaking ninny, but I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

I dreamed last night about my marriage. Good time and bad times feeling neutral but watching as I was sinking into the depths of the ocean with my eyes closed. Then at the last moment my eyes were opened and I was in so deep I literally woke up gasping for air. Awake in bed my dream finished. I saw myself struggling to do whatever it took to swim to the top and take a deep breath of air. On top of the waves I discovered a life vest and my kids. We headed towards an island of waving people happy to see us.

I just took it in. Shook my head, went and made coffee.

I then sat down to my morning bible study. A new study I started yesterday on retaining God's character during tough times. And read this,
"As you reflect back on the journey you've been on, how is God working in your heart and the lives of others to move out into new waters of faith and service for HIS glory?"
I got chills.

I will never doubt that this divorce wasn't exactly part of God's plan for my life. I'm not expecting to ever understand and I'm OK with that.

Quantum Physics has a silly little problem that scientists are always struggling with. Did this thing exist before we started looking for it or did it appear because we were looking for it?  Quacks the lot of them. These are the same people who are charging in with "facts" that God is just a good feeling you get from your frontal lobe. Sure.

The Bible says to Seek God and you WILL FIND HIM. God didn't just appear because I needed him. He's been actively seeking my heart. Now that's a love story! I'm so delighted to discover the daily treats He's got in store for me.
I said earlier that perhaps I didn't understand love. My heart has known more that it ever let on. I'm so glad that I've gotten out of my head and been given another chance to lead with my heart.


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