Monday, April 22, 2013

God Answers.

My prayer life has changed drastically in the last year. I find myself amused.

I can barely remember what it used to look like but it feels like it was years ago instead of just last summer.

I've started really taking notice of how God answers.

Like a dective searching for clues, scooby looking for snacks, a coupon queen searching for a steal. I've been expectant.

So freaking awesome.

Lots of answers on every little thing. Super amazing. Last week I whined to God that I wanted a good book to read and I wanted a romance. I found myself that day in CVS standing in front of the books looking at a former favorite author. Asking myself if this was God's answer and was he allowing me to read a romance novel again. I've also been praying for His leadership in our finances and in that moment I felt a nudge on my heart to leave it and try the library. So I walked away.

Later that night I was wandering around my house and I forget why but I stopped in front of my bookcase and noticed a series of books that I've been meaning to read. My sister in law gave them to me. I picked up the first book in the series - Mark of the Lion. It wasn't until I put down the second book three days later that I realized God answered my whine.

I was blessed with an amazing love story. A fabulous story that fed the imagination and made me a better person for reading it. (Francine Rivers if you're interested). Not only that but God answered my heart more than I asked. Instead of just one book I got three! Instead of having buy something - He knew years ago that this moment would come! and JUST HANDED IT TO ME!

Amen. Woo Hoo! Way to be awesome God!

I was telling my friend (and Mike) that when God has something he wants for you HE JUST GIVES IT TO YOU.

God wanted Jonah to go to Nievah. God made it happen, not Jonah.
God wanted David to be King. David did not seek the position. It was JUST GIVEN TO HIM.
God wanted His son to be crucified. It had to happen. So He did it. It could not have been stopped by man.

This has been a freeing idea. I mean I always understood that God was in charge but I figure I was supposed to be doing something. Nope.

I'm just supposed to obey once I see what He's doing.

This is mind blowing once your wrap your mind around it.

Do nothing but wait on the Lord. Then when he hands you your task - run with it.

This works for every since area of life. In everything, whether whining, pleading, begging or just asking and seeking give it to God.

I've pass along some great requests that made me feel grown up and responsibly. I've also passed along some plain jane, run of the mill, striaght up whining. He's answered it all.

I've been answered in minutes and hours. I've seen it take a few days. I've heard of it taking decades. But God hears and answers.

I'm having a blast watching Him at work. Connecting the dots.

I've turned everything over to him. My marriage - yeah, I'm still married because of Him. My finances, he's doing a great work! My weight - have I got a story in the works! My friendships, my thoughts, my dog, my children. You name it - I've made it His problem.

He's answering and He's doing it His way which I gotta tell you is bigger and better than what I asked for.

God sized answers!

So exciting to see. Super exciting to experience. I just can't wait to see how God works this week.

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