Friday, February 8, 2013

Are you Winnie the Pooh or Eyore?

I saw a great Steve Martin film, and of course I'm blanking on the name, where he got messages from all around him. The billboards, his car radio, his TV, were all talking directly to him.
I totally feel that way.

The message is to unite the way you talk with the way you act.
I've seen it on FB. I have it on a cute little index card I made up as a note from one of the many books I was reading.

However, it's more than that for me. I'm also getting the message to lighten up and get happy. Which I find entertaining.

I'm reading, CS Lewis, (this is me name dropping a very difficult read so you'll think I'm very smart), called the Weight of Glory. In it he makes the argument that you can boil everyone down to two kinds a people. Happy People and Unhappy People.

He goes on, (in prose that sounds closer to Shakespeare than common English) that Unhappy People are in fact happiest when miserable and we shouldn't take that away from them.

I've had a bit of time to think it over and I wholeheartedly agree. I've met plenty of people happiest when miserable. Eyore is a great example.

I'm not like that. I'm happiest when I'm happy. Closer to Winnie the Pooh. However, that's what I thought my best friend growing up was like. Katie was a Pooh. Fun, smart but not overwhelmingly so, friendly, lovable, the Leader.

I'm animated and love to joke around.
 I'm happiest when I'm being a smart ass.
Which is more Tigger than Pooh......

So I realized that I need to change the tone of my blog...sorta.

It's weird really. My blog is me but I don't think you'd realize what an obnoxious cut up I am by my blog. Sure I leave no subject unturned and it's reflecting my inner thoughts but when did I get so serious? More like Kanga...who is happiest when unhappy.

I've decided that I need to perhaps mesh all the faucets of me better. In the spirit of listening to the voices on the TV, billboards and whatnot, I'm going to be more cheeky in my thoughtfulness.

And I'll be slightly more serious in real life. Which will probably inspire a smidge more confidence in my real estate clients. Not as much confidence as I could inspire if I knew what I was doing.....but more than I am at the moment. Let's not get carried away.

It also makes me wonder if I could get away with quoting scriptures at people in real life. I certainly do it enough here. I've always treated it like it was a bit stuffy to do in person but perhaps I'm missing an opportunity to sound snooty? Which would be mildly hilarious to my way of thinking. Me, snooty? Ha!

So that's what I'm learning this week.

What would you need to do to mesh your heart and your brain into your actions? Or just as important, are you Winnie the Pooh or Eyore?

I should wear more orange.

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