Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Spilt Milk

I had a deja vu moment today.

I remembered a time a couple years ago where I was listening to a woman pour out her heart to me and I was annoyed.
Her heart was shattered into a million pieces because she'd discovered her husband was cheating on her.
Pain was dripping from her every pour and I wanted to go get another cup of coffee.

Quite frankly I hope it didn't show in my face that I wanted to tell her to drop him like a hot potato and move on.

Oh my.

Then I had another moment where I, once again, was annoyed with someone sharing. I wanted them to take their life by the horns and do something about it!

This time is was a sweet friend telling me her husband had discovered someone else while deployed to Afghanistan.

I thought, aren't they mostly guys? And, "Wow this seems to happen a lot".

I must have done okay because she kept talking.

However, I will confess to limiting our time together after that to avoid the need to share.

One the one hand I'm proud of myself for recognizing that I can be a jerk and need to limit my contact with people. However, that's just justifying the fact that I didn't want to help them carry their pain.

It's interesting though. I see both events through new eyes now.

God was preparing me.

Arming me for battle.

Because of the first girl I was basically forced to think about how I believe a person should behave when hurt because of an affair. I looked at it from both sides and realized (belatedly and not in time to be nice) that if I was the offender I'd want to be fought for and forgiven.

The path I would travel was being mapped in my heart. This isn't by accident.

When Tyler got sick and went to the hospital Mike and I were prepared. God had allowed Katie to have appendicitis a year earlier. A surgery that is considered no big deal. It tore us up to go through it but it also laid a path in our hearts to trust God in those situations.

So one year almost to the day Tyler went under surgery. Because we'd learned in a slightly less frightening situation how to deal we understood that we had to rely on God.

Today, I can see clearly that He's always got me.

It's really cool when I can see how He's prepared me and carried me through.

Now I should probably go make some apologies.......

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