Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I'm such an utter DORK.

I woke up new today.
I woke up so in love with my Lord and Saviour.
I'm such an utter DORK. Daughter OF the Risen King!!

I cried this morning in the shower because I hurt that I've neglected my God. I'm guilty of not taking care of our relationship.

I read an article about repairing marriage that said traditional counseling isn't working because it focuses on talking through your problems. I think I mentioned before that I believe what you focus on grows? Yeah, I can see how focusing on problems isn't exactly a good plan.

This article continued that the focus needed to be LOVE. I immediately thought, God is LOVE. I like this article. I'm digging it.

It had alot of "assessments" to test the health of your relationships. I love that. Like a Cosmo quiz. I took all of the quizzes. I took them first for my marriage and then for my spiritual life. I didn't score so hot. Not exactly surprising.

While my marriage is completely out of my hands (in God's now). My love life with Christ is completely in my control.

That's the gift of choice that God gave us to choose HIM. It's better than diamonds. I'm ashamed that I keep letting the little distractions of life let me forget that.

I've hurt like I was run over by a truck and I've been treating my relationship with God no better. Sure I attend church. I say I believe. I ask blessings on my meals. I go through the motions and mean it but this article challenged me diferently.

"Do you stop what you are doing to give your full attention to your LOVE?" I'm guilty of multitasking? Praying while showering, driving, cooking. Thought that was enough. You mean God wanted me to focus on HIM for more than short "texts" through out my day? He wants to FEAST with me?

"Do you go on vacations getting away with just your LOVE to focus just on how much you LOVE each other?" Do what? Huh?
What an amazing idea! I'm going to start planning a yearly LOVE vacation with my Saviour! I'm going to treat it like a Disney vacation! What planning videos, save, dream, getting excited to spend a week TOTALLY IN HIS PRESENCE. What brilliance. I'm sad I didn't think of this sooner. I've said that I love the LORD but I haven't done as much for our relationship.

Love is an action not a passive thought. Love is amazing. Love is enough. GOD IS LOVE.

I'm so priviledge to be a DORK.

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