Thursday, May 2, 2013


God is working all around me
and through me so much
 that it's giving chills! Thrills! and Excitement!
 This picture sums it up nicely.
Looks amazing and impossible.
Down right frightening! But super amazing!
It's frightening how God is changing everything!
However, it's a lot like this roller coaster.
I can be assured of my safety. God's got this. How can I lose?
It may seem to change course or ask the impossible but
its' all planned.
To share an example, I'm starting each day asking the Lord tobe in complete control and do His will through me. I've never been so productive! Not doing things I thought I should be doing but what I felt was obedience to Him.
A perfect example was last week.
I was going to head to the store and run some errands on post before picking up the kids for a dentist appointment. As I was finishing dressing and getting ready to go I got a phone call from my prayer partner. So I dropped what I was about to do and took the time she needed.
It lasted right up till the moment I needed to get the kids for their appointment.
I picked them up before they'd had lunch but we were in luck, Taco Bell was right there. Hoping against hope we could get in and out in 15 minutes we had a quick lunch together. Always fun.
We managed to check in right on time! Always a good feeling.
As I was chilling in the waiting room I checked FB.
I had a message from someone in the local Home school group.
Interestingly, just the day before my prayer partner and I had prayed about homeschooling.
I am/was concerned about Tyler's education but wanted to do what Tyler needed not just what I thought was best. I'd already received confirmation that I was to home school but it seemed very coincidental. Like perhaps I was reading into it too much.
Well, here I am in the waiting room on FB and what do you know. More confirmation.
God wanted to make sure I knew He's got it and He does want me to home school Tyler.
Turns out, I couldn't have run errands this morning if I'd wanted too.
I didn't have my ID card.
My homeschooler friend had discovered it at the local Dog park (it had been dropped Sunday) and she thought to look me up via FB.
Then others within the home school community reached out to me to make sure I got my ID back.
So not only did God restore my missing ID before I even realized it was missing, He confirmed His will for me and Tyler.
It's amazing to be living in such a close relationship to our Saviour and Lord.
Terrifying at times but always ultimately for us.
I'm getting chills just thinking about all the prayers He's been answering and all the ways He's working. He's shown Mike and I things that He didn't have control over in our lives and we've turned it all over to HIM.
So Changes are a coming! God Sized Changes!
I can only imagine.....and my imagination is fabulous!

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