Monday, September 10, 2012

God's Perfect.

If you don't know God than this won't make a lick of sense and you might as well stop reading.
 I do and I'm floored.
God is so on top of things it's almost frightening.

I hardly know where to begin. Two days has felt like a month. In two days I have been encouraged and uplifted and prayed for in abundance.

This morning I opened my devotional app and was floored. Stunned. In a good way. Colossians 3, (not sure which translation) "Your old life is dead. You are being renewed in Christ." Every single word filling my soul.
I know which way is up today. I have been equipted and dressed by God. I wear His Label. I'm to practice forgiveness as He has forgiven me. I say practice only because I'm not sure I can even begin to comprehend this kind of forgiveness fully.

Colossians 3:10 You have begun to live the new life, in which you are being made new and are becoming like the One who made you. This new life brings you the true knowledge of God.

15 Let the peace that Christ gives control your thinking, because you were all called together in one body to have peace. Always be thankful.

Let me repeat that...Let the peace that Christ gives control your thinking.
Awesome. On FB a dear sweet friend reminded me of words I have often said, "When it gets to be too much I just throw up my hands and tell God he's got this one. That I'm done." LOL Yup. It's really the only way to go.

Many of you have encouraged me and uplifted me. Many of you have said very wise things. Thank you. Thank you for caring enough to private message me. Thank you for caring enough to correct me, guide me and love me.

I ended my last post with, "I'm getting a divorce." I perhaps jumped the gun. It took me a while to remember I'm not good at doing what I'm told. I never got a chance to add my two cents and was about to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Not like me at all. I offer my two cents without being asked all the time. Makes me charming, right?

His Ways are not My Ways. So I can truthfully say that I have no idea how this story ends. I've thought of a few endings I can live with but at the same time I realize that God's plan for me is what I crave.

Why am I sharing all this? Am I just looking for attention? Wanting to soak up all the sympathy? While I'll freely admit the sympathy is a balm to my soul. That's not it. When we struggled with discovering Tyler's tumor I learned about the strength of leaning on Jesus. I learned about the opportunity to build community with fellow Christians. We are all the body of Christ and my messages are meant to tell you that you need to take care with the part that is me and mine. You all are a gift but you're not mind readers. While I trust the Holy Spirit can certainly prompt you to pray for me out of the blue I feel HE is blessing me by letting me be HIS instrument.

I strive to PRAISE HIS NAME.

So I've listened. I'm not going to pull any triggers, too many triggers at once. I'm going to teach my children that we are to forgive but that doesn't mean we lay down at the front door and become doormats. I'm going to pray extremely hard for Mike, for me and for my sweet babies.
I'm going to continue gathering information.
I'm going to Thank God even though I don't quite understand.
I'm going to be better, stronger and more loving because of this. Not in spite of it but because I understand that this is God working in my life to make me fully HIS.

Please don't stop praying. Please continue to share with me on FB. Know that it is the power of all that prayer that has transformed my attitude. (Into what will eventually become clear)

Together let us PRAISE GOD for the "cleaning" taking place at my house.


  1. Glad to hear you're not pulling any triggers, yet. I'm praying God works a miracle of reconciliation for your family!

  2. God is good!!!! Wow, I am floored by your devotion today. He was really speaking to you in so many ways! So thankful that you feel a bit more clarity today. May God continue to Bless you, the kids & Mike so you may be carried through.
    Ruth, you are an amazing woman!!! Your strength amazes me. You are strong enough to know when you need to turn over your problems & let God carry you. I will contiune to pray for you all!

  3. You are such an encouragement to me! Continually praying for you and your children.
